Forensic Investigative and Technical Services  
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Gene Evans | Dave Harvey | Benson P. Turner   |   T. Bruce Tilley   

Need help with your Subrogation Investigations Without Spending a fortune?


            Ever wondered, when do I hire experts?  Is this case big enough to call in experts?  What kind of experts do I hire?  How do I make sure the technical investigation is adequate, without wasting money on a dry hole?  Benson Turner of Los Angeles, formerly with Garrett Engineers Inc., Bruce Tilley, former C.E.O. of Gay and Taylor, and Bill Tully, of Tully & Associates, along with a carefully selected group of technical advisors, will help you solve these problems.

F.I.T.S. with ONE CALL will:


(1) Coordinate the initial investigation of the loss,

(2) Assist you in determining if subrogation potential even exists,

(3) Secure the evidence, including the scene, until further investigation strategy is determined, approved, and implemented,

(4) Arrange for subsequent investigations, by the adverse and/or other testifying experts, and

(5) Store relevant evidence properly.


Our service provides an initial evaluation and quick review, then assists you in the full development of the case, until you decide to arbitrate or turn the matter over to counsel.  You get a tight package which allows you to proceed from a position of strength in pursuit of your claim.

Dollars are not wasted, a coordinated investigation occurs, and issues and evidence are preserved.  ALL WITH COST EFFICIENCY

Our Service F.I.T.S. Your Needs.  Call Us.

(866) 290-2300


9854   National Blvd., #118, Los Angeles, CA.  90034-2713    Ph: (866) 290-2300   Fax:  (310) 559-4236   Cell:  (310) 466-9485


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